16 Apr 2008

Dos Fiestas! Spam Kebabs and Lasagne

Well my bad day got better, as they often do. And, one positive point out of the depressing bit is that I got to use the word for ´depressing´- which had been alluding me until now!

Still feeling quite sorry for myself, I went again to find Martha Villareyna - who had accidentally double booked me, as there was an employee leaving for Spain and they were having an office party. So I was invited! And there was no talk of coffee so I am none the wiser, but I have experienced a very friendly 'works do' in Nicaragua. Which included a good 20 mins of impressions of the rest of the team - how they walk, talk and dance - by the sweet looking woman in the right of this picture... it was bloody hilarious! And many many speeches, far more expressive than any we could come up with in England. So I practiced my Spanish, ate a good spread (rice, spam sausage kebabs and a good salad) and went home caring less about the possibility of being eaten alive. And the added repellent of a newly erected mozzie net seemed to work last night... fingers crossed. Gracias a Dios for earplugs eh.
And the second Fiesta - plans are afoot for a small gathering to celebrate my cumpleanos on Friday evening. As the restaurant that does good italian food is very expensive for those on a Nicaraguan wage, and I only have about 4 friends and don´t want to alienate half of them, Jeanette is going to cook Lasagne and pan con ajo and we will drink beer and make merry to celebrate my birthday. Wow, 2 parties in one week! I´m making the most of it as I start work in Yali on Monday...


sudders said...

"Pan...... con ajo?"

"Si, pan de ajo - es el futuro, lo que he probado."

L x

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, just nearly had an accident laughing at Luke's comment.

Happy birthday for Saturday, amigo! Will raise a (fairtrade)coffee to you in the morning. I even bought Nicaraguan in your honour.

Lisa H