27 May 2008

The RAIN Came!

About a week a go it attempted to rain, and then we had nothing for a few days, Then 3 days ago it ARRIVED. For about 2 hours it pelted down, and I sat in the Cyber place finding things to do on the internet as I didn’t want to travel the 20 paces to my house… It was extremely heavy and since then, we've had about an hour or so of rain every day. Before it comes it gets very dark, and the air feels so heavy I have to support my head cos it feels as if it’s going to drop off. I have shared this feeling with a number of people, in spanish and english, and I seem to be alone with it but I swear I’m not being dramatic – it affects me, I’m telling you.

This is the edge of the square in Yali, awash.

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