6 Jun 2008


Hmmm. What can I tell you. Esteli continues to be a place where I eat good food and speak English, Yali continues to be a place where I come to terms with small town living and attempt to impart computer knowledge. Regadio continues to be a place where I periodically teach English. I have drawn a little map for anyone who has lost track of where things are…

There you go. All clear now? What else can I say…

I went for a little walk the other day up the road out of Yali and took a few pictures, the view is pretty good…

And then I took one of Yali from above.

Also I took a picture of the little prang that happened right outside

my house the other day, it made me think of London as both guys in this terribly macho country got out of their old banger cars and laughed big belly laughs about the whole thing, No road rage here! And, yes, one car does say pride in english on the side. And one car does have a transfer of a horse. It’s not the best picture as I was being surreptitious.

And that's about the size of it!

1 comment:

sudders said...

The roads look better than Albania!

And I know you don't like this site, but I recon you wandered up the same road as these guys: http://yalinicaragua.com/ - the road on the front page and the church on the photos page are sorta the same.

Dumball prangs are even more fun - if you do it by accident, the other person gets a 'free hit', a bit like conkers. If you do it purpose, then you'd better keep an eye on your car at night or it might go pink!