So, what were you up to at 7am this morning? I was on the back of Gilberto's motorbike heading to Las Delicias to teach one to one on a farm. Owned by Jose Luis, one of the few English students that's actually a farmer (most are the offspring of farmers) and a motivated guy. Only thing is it's hard to juggle farming and learning so he's the guinea pig to try out visual, practical English classes. And Gilberto goes up there for the cooperative every day to check the cows so there's the lift sorted. Didn't think my first time on a motorbike would be at 33 in Nicaragua but hey!
We went walking around the farm, he showed me things and we named them and made short sentences (This is my brother's house... This is a cow... We call this tree japote") and then we went back to his house and drew a map of the whole journey, with lots of words to practice and remember. My suggestion was then to put the map up somewhere he would see it every day, and I proferred the idea of the loo, explaining that in my culture men like to read there. He didn't go for this idea in a big way (pit latrines aren't so accomodating I guess) but he took to the idea of putting it by the toothbrushes in the kitchen where they clean their teeth. I'm going back in a week - if any of it's stuck we celebrate, if none of it's stuck we knock the idea on the head!
And in the meantime I got to see some blissfully amazing countryside, mountains bananas and coffee as far as the eye could see. And we stopped off at various places for Gilberto to show me family, sugar cane processing places, and more coffee. One difference that he seemed to be suggesting between fair trade and non is that the fair trade farms don't burn their fields, and have many more trees and therefore less erosion. There are environmental indicators to the quality mark.
The most comedic moment was when the road was too stony and Gilberto asked me to get off and walk while he negotiated the slope. I got off, he negotiated perfectly and I bloody fell over trying to walk! Fool.
So here's Gilberto, on the bike, Jose Luis behind him, and his brother. And - the coolest little jeep!! It even has a name - perico. Something like a cockatiel I think... A bit far to bring it back for the dumball but what a perfect specimen!!
And here is the new clothes washing station at my house in Yali, being finished off. The chap pictured is studying architecture as well as fashioning cement into washing stations, and in 5 years if you want some architecture done - he's your man. I tried to make a joke that the lavenderia should have been a bit more avant garde and aesthetically pleasing (every single wash station in nicaragua is exactly the same) but my vocabulary wasn't broad enough and he hadn't heard of Gaudi. Sorry about the bad light, it's pitch back in that shack out the back and I didn't like to leave him standing there like a lemon too long.
13 May 2008
He even named his Jeep! He must be groovy
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How exciting! Riding on the back of a bike! Grasping tightly on to the waist of yet another other man! Hope you had fun, dear. I bet he did ;)
Seriously, I amazed you did that. You wouldn't normally (hence having got to 33 without having done it yet...), so the transport situation must be getting to you.
No one's commented for a while so I thought I'd just write to you here. Just to let you know, things are hotting up in the planning stakes. I'm now planning to drive from San Fran to Managua! Only joking! But I am going to hire a car, it's dirt cheap, and me and Kieran get to do an American road trip! For 3 days anyway. Expect me 9pm, July 7th, Esteli. In theory. So far. Date and times may change without notice, your house is at risk if you fly half way round the world etc etc
...and - we can swap blogs! Check out The Dumball 2008 Moblog. Can't actually get my phone to post to it at the moment, but that's another story!
Speak soon! L x
I didn't hold on to his waist. I started gripping tightly on to the bit of metal at the back, and on the return journey was actually confident enough to place my hands nonchalantly on my knees!!! It came about because I agreed to the trip out there thinking everyone was talking about giving me a lift in a pick up and then when I found out it was too late to back out... More scared of looking like a coward than I am of motorbikes it seems!! x rebs
Understanding enough to know which shoes to wear does rather fade into insignificance next to 'which mode of transprt will it be' but both were probably important in this case! Deidre.
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