I went to Martha Villareyna' s house for tea! The third time I popped into the office she was there, and incredibly enthusiastic. So on Thursday evening I put my skirt on and a top that isn't brown or khaki and purchased chocolates to proffer. She in turn took me to her place in a loverly 4x4, showed me her home, and gave me this amazing hard candy they make from sugar cane on her sister's farm. And we did her homework together. She also explained a little more about her job, and I`m going back on Tuesday for more info!! And more beans rice and plantain. Yum.
CECOCAFEN has about 11 co-operatives under its wing. Those 11 co-operatives are about 2637 coffee farms. There are four different markets for coffee, and only one of those ´markets´ is the Fairtrade market. (I forgot the others. I`ll check on tuesday.) They are able to sell about 60% of their coffee as fair trade, therefore with a guaranteed minimum price. The market's not big enough for the whole 100%. The other 40% - the price goes up and down. But, obviously all their farms have to be ceritified fairtrade, to be able to sell some of this coffee in the Fairtrade market. So the Fairtrade premium is spread over 100% of their farms to go into education, better methods etc, but they're not selling all their coffee at that price. And, what's more, and if I haven`t got this right I'm sure someone that knows will say, that means that other buyers actually buy coffee from Fairtrade farmers for a lesser price...? For example, they sold to Starbucks this year. But not in the Fairtrade market. So Starbucks got 'Fairtrade' coffee cheap? It's all confusing. I'm going back on Tuesday, let me know if you have questions!
Another teacher and I had a great weekend out in San Ramon which I'll tell you more about soon, but during that time we saw a number of coffee families belonging to UCA San Ramon, which in turn belong to CECOCAFEN. And I can tell you that life's still no breeze on a Fairtrade farm. Beautiful surroundings, but houses are small and basic, and life's little luxuries do not abound.
DISCLAIMER: my Spanish is shakey. Take my facts with a pinch of salt! In case anyone is actually reading this for fact. And I suggest you don't...
Quick things:
I have used Gaya's yoga mp3s. Very zen.
These backpacker-y velcro sandals are the most useful single item i have ever bought. Can't believe I shunned them for so long.
Flying biting things like me. ALOT.
Beetroot and Lemon Juice tastes nice. try it.
It's impossible to escape that 'Umbrella' song.
13 Apr 2008
Coffee. Segundo Parte
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